Champions of Weed

Local Stoners Declare GPS Optional When Finding Their Favorite Cannabis Shop

Navigation Skills Reach New Heights in Central Massachusetts

In a surprising turn of events, local cannabis enthusiasts have developed an almost supernatural ability to navigate their way to Cady Brook Cannabis, despite being completely unable to remember where they parked their cars at the grocery store just moments earlier.

The phenomenon, observed across Webster, Southbridge, and surrounding Massachusetts communities, has left researchers puzzled and amused. Local residents from Charlton to Dudley have reported that while they might forget their own phone numbers, the exact location of their favorite cannabis dispensary remains permanently etched in their minds like a well-worn path.

“It’s like my car has autopilot,” explains one Sturbridge resident, who wished to remain anonymous while munching on a family-size bag of chips. “I can’t remember my wedding anniversary, but I could find Cady Brook Cannabis blindfolded during a snowstorm.”

The effect seems particularly strong among residents of Fiskdale, who claim they can sense when new products arrive at the store, much like how dogs can predict earthquakes. Local scientists are baffled by this development, though they admit they haven’t been particularly motivated to study it further.

Regular customers have reported several remarkable abilities:

• Finding the store while completely distracted by cloud shapes
• Detecting sales from up to 5 miles away
• Mysteriously appearing in the parking lot while trying to drive somewhere else
• Remembering the store’s hours better than their own work schedule

One local meteorologist noted that traffic patterns around the cannabis dispensary remain consistent even during severe weather events. “People might skip work during a blizzard, but they’ll cross-country ski to get their favorite strains,” she observed.

The marijuana store has become such a reliable landmark that local residents have started giving directions based on its location. “Go past Cady Brook Cannabis, take two rights, and if you’ve hit the point where you’re craving snacks, you’ve gone too far,” has become a common navigation tip in Webster.

Local GPS manufacturers are reportedly considering adding a new feature that measures distances in “minutes from the dispensary” rather than traditional miles, as it seems to be the only consistent measurement everyone in the area understands.

Whether this phenomenon is due to stellar customer service or just really motivated patrons remains unclear, but one thing’s certain: when it comes to finding their way to Cady Brook Cannabis, locals never need to ask for directions.